Using a Tkinter input box for your data projects
There may be an occasion as you are building out a data science or data analytics project, checks need to be performed on the dataset as follows:
- Big data sets and speed requirements in conjunction with
- The need to reduce the volume of data returned is impeding performance
and this is where input boxes and Tkinter can help!
If you want to learn more click this link that will bring you to the Tkinter information page.
In the below video, we are demonstrating an introduction to using an input box and validating the input.
We demonstrate how to validate the data entered into the Tkinter input box and return a message, this will ensure the user gets the correct data.
Types of uses for a Tkinter input box are varied, here are some thoughts:
- Use an input box to return a set of data for a particular day.
- Using them to filter down the results to a particular cohort of data.
- Conduct a string search to find data quality issues to be fixed.