When starting to look at functions and having tested them in Python and Javascript, it was quickly apparent how programming languages are so similar.
Except for the syntax you use in each; the programming is quite similar.
The purpose of this video is to:
- Start on using functions from the ground up.
- Don’t over-complicate the example; keep it easy enough to follow.
How to write the code to pass data between functions
As this is a short video, the code that went into making it is pretty straight forward
# create a function function.a <- function(){ newvarb <- 2 } function.b <- function(){ newvarb <- function.a()*2 # this takes in the value of function a and multiplies it by two } print(function.b()) # Prints out the value of function b
Below is the video that will take you through each line, and show the output that we are looking to achieve
How can we use this in our projects
No matter what programming language you use or choose to learn, the concept of functions will appear in some shape or form. Their ability to quickly run a repeatable process and return a value, which can be called from anywhere in a program allows the programmer to reduce their coding time swiftly and reduce repetitive tasks that only need to run once.
This video has an equivalent in Python, and you can see it hereĀ Python Functions – passing data between them
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